What is an Ayurvedic Practitioner?

An Ayurvedic Practitioner is someone  that studies and  embraces the principles of the Tri-Dosha and Sub-Dosha theories for use within one’s way of life.  One who chooses to serve others as a facilitator, coach,  a guide without sacrificing self or others. They have genuine sincerity and care for the well being of others. They are examples of the integration of mind-body and spiritual well …

Guru Kula Program

  Join us! Become an Ayurvedic Practitioner! Change your life and the lives of those around you! Learn to heal yourself, your family, your community, and your world.  Start a new career, increase your income and lifestyle with a an opportunity to work on your own time, in your own way by serving others. Ayurvedic theory states that health initially …

The Doshas- Ayurvedic Body Types

    The Doshas, Ayurvedic Body Types Why you are how you are? Ayurveda recognizes three main body types and seven mixed body types Vata – Have a thin-framed body, whether they are tall or short. Their joints crack easily. If they do gain weight it will be around the middle. Their skin will have a tendency to be dry, …

Toxins and Ayurveda

There are two types of toxins which can build up in our organism and slow down our metabolism causing us to hold more weight. The first are man-made and released into our environment (food, water, and air supply) by industrial and modern farming methods. Lead, cadmium, mercury, pesticides, herbicides, hormones, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals stack up on the food chain. We …

Pancha Karma Information

We are delighted that you are joining us for the Pancha Karma Program and look forward to being with you. This is the necessary information and preparatory procedures that would be most beneficial before your visit with us. In order to reserve your space, a deposit of $1,000 is required. Periodic Pancha Karma is the key to rejuvenation and longevity. …