Light’s New Cookbook Now Available

I am very pleased to announce the release of my second cookbook “Ayurvedic Curative Cuisine for Everyone” from Lotus Press!

My new cookbook is unique in its presentation of food history and contains useful information including certain foods for specific conditions, preventative foods, food combining, energetics, tastes, body types, what foods go well together, and [...]


Reduce Stress with Ayurveda

As we approach the year 2011, our fast paced lifestyles present us with overwhelming choices, challenges, and stessors. Fortunately there is a wide range of self-help measures which can help us meet these stresses. We offer here seven time tested ways to make life more manageable. [...]


Ayurvedic Lifestyles

Lifestyles and Ayurveda

Frantic with activity and movement, yet because of the use of cars, elevators, computers, etc., it allows us little sustained aerobic activity. The human mechanism is made to work. “If you don’t use it, you lose it”. Two-thirds of all metabolism takes place in the muscles. If they are weak, under used, [...]


Toxins and Ayurveda

Our bodies have toxic by-products of our digestion and metabolism which sometimes builds up, causing a chemical slowdown. Toxic thoughts and emotions can cause the body to hold weight as insulation, armament, and protection from a seemingly hostile world. Ayurvedic philosophy and meditation allows each person to see the world as their own perfect creation. [...]


Food Abundance

In this culture we can eat anything, anytime! We eat too often: five meals a day when we are bored. We can eat too much: milk shake, fries, two burgers plus dessert. We can eat an impossibly large number of items and ingredients (up to 50) at a single sitting. Ayurveda can help us make healthy choices within all this abundance. [...]


Weight Loss with Ayurveda

Despite the fact that people try diet upon diet, gimmicks, exercises, and fads, obesity has become a modern Western disease of major proportions. Over 60% of North Americans are 15 pounds or more over their optimum weight. Obesity shortens life, restricts mobility, decreases enjoyment, reduces attractiveness (less sex), lowers self-esteem, and diminishes awareness. Given all [...]


The Kuti Experience

How to create a Kuti Experience in your home. By Dr. Bryan Miller The purpose of a Kuti Pravesika experience is to go deeply within and contact your “source” where everything is known, available and possible. This is where healing, rejuvenation and reconnection to purpose occur. This is accomplished by withdrawal of sensory input and distractions. There are [...]
