Kaya Kalpa

Ayurvedic Treatment

Kaya Kalpa

Posted by on Oct 27, 2010 in Ayurvedic Treatments, Kaya Kalpa | 0 comments


Ten thousand years ago, a King of India had a problematic, headstrong daughter, who refused to marry any of the eligible princes who were presented to her. In anger and frustration the king decreed that she was to be blindfolded and placed in the castle courtyard in the midst of all her suitors. The man she touched was to be her husband and their children would continue the Royal line.

On that day an elderly holy man wandered into the courtyard to deliver herbs to the King’s physician and, by chance, was touched first by the princess. Even though he pled exemption due to his advanced age and holy vows, the King’s word was law and they were to marry in three months time. The holy man consulted his teacher about his problem and the teacher instituted an intensive program to rejuvenate and energize.

For 90 days the holy man ate a special diet, performed breathing techniques, took ritual herbal baths and was anointed with sacred oils. At the end of that time his hair had turned from gray to black, a new set of teeth had grown into his mouth, and his skin and body were youthful and strong. He married the Princess. They had many children and of course lived happily ever after. This was the beginning of Kaya Kalpa treatment. Vigorously, suppressed by the British, it almost was lost. There are now fewer than 30 practitioners in the world.

Kaya Kalpa

“Kaya” means bodies and “Kalpa” means transformation. Kaya Kalpa treatments reverse the effects of time and regenerate the entire body, mind and spirit. This secret healing technique was used in India for thousands of years by religious healers to rejuvenate and give longevity to royalty and holy sages.

The Treatment

begins with an assessment of your Ayurvedic body type using pulse diagnosis and a questionnaire format. You will be given the appropriate lifestyle, diet, herbs and essential oils to bring you back into balance.

While maintaining a tantric, connective breath, an herbal paste made from Indian herbs is massaged onto your entire body. The paste draws out impurities while re-vitalizing the skin and brings emotions to the surface. After the paste is dried, it is removed by further body work that reaches deep holding patterns. Skin brushing completes the stimulation and cleansing. Special herbal oil is formulated and applied by a third massage to nourish and seal the skin.

A steady stream of warm oil is directed onto the area of the third eye for 30 minutes creating ecstatic sensations and expanded awareness. This is shirodhara (or shirodara)

A hot bath is prepared with herbal extracts and essential oils. The recipient enters and performs multiple rounds of Breath of Fire ( Kundalini ) and primal sounds. This creates a fiery state to release unexpressed emotions and fears. Guided Forgiveness Rituals release you from past projections about relationships and creates an opening for new ways of perceiving them. A cooling shower returns the person to the body and initiates divine connectedness, while affirmations refill the mental body.

The patient is dried and placed in a cocoon of sheets and blankets. The chakras (energy centers) are anointed with the most powerful and spiritual of essential oils while a deep meditative breath is maintained.

A restful state of bliss is obtained that can carry over for the next few days, weeks even months in everything planned and performed. After the treatment, one is at rest from 2 to 5 hours.

During Panchakarma treatments, Kaya Kalpa treatments are given daily.


For More Information Please Contact Light Miller: 941-806-7760

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Posted by on Oct 27, 2010 in Ayurvedic Treatments, Kaya Kalpa | 0 comments

TARPANA (Relationship Healing)

Is a healing ceremony that is used to release constraining thoughts about our relationships to others and to empower ourselves as an active co-creator of our lives. While Ayurvedic practices embrace foods, herbs, oils, and lifestyles as crucial healing modalities, it also acknowledges that our sense of connectedness to all things may be the most powerful factor in our well-being. By freeing us from the power of the negative thoughts that we hold about our relationships to others, Tarpana is a way to experience our true connectedness with all of creation. The ceremony helps us understand that it is possible to change how we view the world and how we feel about ourselves and our connection to others in the universe.

Begin the ceremony alone in a quiet and dimly lighted space. Light candles and incense and begin a form of breathing called the “re-birthing” or “connected” breath by breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth. Allow the inhalation and exhalation to be connected and don’t control the exhalation, allow it to excape at its own pace like a long sigh. When you are in a relaxed frame of mind, begin the unblocking process by first calling forth your ancestors and then anyone you have ever been in a relationship with.

Begin with your mother or father, then continue through each ancestor and other significant people. Visualize them standing before you looking into your eyes. Remember what they looked like, using your own memory or images from photographs. Remember your experiences with them or stories you have heard about them. Visualize them receptive to listening to what you want to say to them. Begin the clearing by saying “What I want you to know is__________.” Then tell the ancestor what you have felt about them. Are you grateful for gifts or genetic tendencies that you inherited? Do you feel yourself victimized by them in some way? Discuss with them your role in the co-creation of your relationship. Take this opportunity to forgive yourself and your ancestor. If you truly forgive then you are a ble to leave the experience behind you and no longer carry it with you. With forgiveness comes the ability to turn adversity into a catalyst for growth and a new sense of gratitude for the gifts they have given you.

Conclude your ceremony by symbolically serving your ancestor their favorite food or drink, something they would have enjoyed. In your mind’s eye, visualize them taking your offering, consuming it, and smiling. Then look directly into their eyes and see if you can experience them giving you a blessing–wishing you success in life, blessing you as you find your path, freeing you from obligations to them, and freeing you to pursue your own passion and purpose. Accept their blessing and visualize them walking in the light of their own path. Bless their path as they leave.

Conclude the Tarpana session by being centered and repeating positive affirmations: “I am love, I am one with all things, I am peace, I am joy, I am prosperity, I am forgiveness, I am trust, I am fulfillment.” And so it is.


For More Information Please Contact Light Miller: 941-806-7760

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