Pancha Karma – The Transformation of our Being

Today more and more people are interested in cleansing , detoxification, and Pancha Karma.  Yet we all discover that cleansing only the physical is just not enough.  Pancha karma is more than a physical experience.  In our Pancha Karma we bring forth ways to clear deep seated emotional patterns and connect our mind, body and spirit in order to experience a deeper form of awakening towards our true essence.  When we work with our clients, we create a supportive environment of gratitude forgiveness, service to others, learning to clear the past experiences, focusing on what is possible and creating a new away of being with our past.  Life then becomes easy and we flow with whatever life brings us.  In every moment there is a brand new opportunity to change ourselves through healthier eating, better life choices and choosing to step into the light and shine it from within.


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