
Practiced over thousands of years, mainly by Eastern Cultures, meditation is conecting with your true self, allowing your spirit, your soul, your energy to harmonize with the energy of the whole. From a logical perspective, meditation could be understood as a plain connection with the energy of the cosmos. [...]


A Sadhana from Yogi Bhajan

“If the mind vibrates with the mantra you chant, the effect will be tremendous, accurate, beautiful. When you say “Ek”, the whole universe should look to you as Ek. When you say “Ong”, the spring season and the seed sprout unflod in the universe. When you say “Kar”, the moon, sun, stars, any beautiful thing [...]


The Kuti Experience

How to create a Kuti Experience in your home. By Dr. Bryan Miller The purpose of a Kuti Pravesika experience is to go deeply within and contact your “source” where everything is known, available and possible. This is where healing, rejuvenation and reconnection to purpose occur. This is accomplished by withdrawal of sensory input and distractions. There are [...]
