Welcome to AyurvedicHealers.comthe original ayurvedic healers

August 16-17, 2008 - Goddess Workshop by Light Miller
Awakening the Goddess Within - location - Burien, WA - Call Michelle - 208-405-8338

August 23, 2008 - Pancha Karma Training with Certification
Extensive hands-on training for Ayurvedic Practitioners in the science and art of cleansing and rejuvenation - Cusick, WA - Call Michelle - 208-405-8338

September 7-9, 2008 - Beloved Tantra Experience Class for Couples - Create more intimacy, love, better communication, and healing of the Chakras. Discover Divine romance, conscious sexuality, and learn to move to deeper levels with your beloved. Call Sandy Levey - 360-527-2796

Weight Reduction using Ayurveda

In this culture we can eat anything, anytime! A watermelon in December, almonds in May. We can eat too often: five meals a day when we are bored. We can eat too much: milk shake, fries, two burgers plus dessert. We can eat an impossibly large number of items and ingredients (up to 50) at a single sitting, i.e. salad bar.

Ayurveda can help us make healthy choices within all this abundance.
a) Eat only when hungry, not by the clock or when bored;
listen to your true hunger.

b) Bless your food by devoting your entire attention to the gift that it is. Do not watch TV, read, etc. Just "Be" with your food, chewing each bite into liquid before swallowing (20-30 times). This attention will ensure that you digest efficiently. Chewing is the first stage of digestion and most people rush through eating. Undigested food causes toxins and water weight buildup.

c) Eat foods in season. Notice what is being harvested locally (not New Zealand produce, etc.). Nature has a plan. Nature's cycles of abundance-scarcity creates a varying rounded diet. Greens (Spring), vegetables (Summer), fruits (Fall), and starches and proteins (Winter). This changing cycle takes the human metabolism through cleansing and building periods. The carburator in your car engine changes the air flow and the richness-poorness of the gas mixture to suit different running conditions of your automobile. Nature has the perfect fuel for each season. Pay attention and emphasize local fresh foods in season.

d) Eat your largest meal at noon when your metabolism is the strongest; eat until you are full. Make your breakfasts small (grain or fruit) and skip dinner entirely (or keep it light with salad or vegetables). Your metabolism slows down at night. An old saying goes, "Eat like a peasant for breakfast, a Prince for lunch, and a pauper for dinner".

e) Drink when thirsty. Drinking four quarts of water just because some "expert" recommended it can cause excess flushing of minerals or strain on the kidneys. For Arizona in the summer: four quarts might be appropriate. For Seattle in the rainy winter: two cups may be sufficient. Listen to your thirst.

Avoid cold food and drinks as they slow digestion and lower metabolism. Avoid alcohol with the exception of digestive wine; old red wine into which ginger, coriander, thyme, lemongrass, lemon peel, pepper, cumin, clove, cinnamon, rosemary, etc. have been infused for one month. Sold by Ayurvedic distributors or health food stores as Draksha.

Ayurveda is common sense. These choices make sense. By listening to your body, honoring your food, joining with natures seasonal cycles, and eating with your metabolic cycle, your body will begin to find it's optimum weight.

Next topic: Toxins

The Ayurvedic College begins in Sarasota, Florida, October, 2008. We hope to see many of you there. Call us at 941.806.7760 for more information.There are also a few places available in the upcoming workshops.

For more information on
Pancha Karma
Kaya Kalpa

Line up your treatment date now!

Learn about our
Weight Reduction
Program Here!

Note: Bryan and Light Miller are no longer working wiith the Florida Vedic College. The new program will be associate of science degree with emphasis on ayurveda massage and herbology .The student will be prepare and qualify to take the massage license after completing the program.The application is currently in process. We expect approval by July 2008.The college facilites will be at The East West College of Natural Medicine in Sarasota. Call 941-806-7760 for more info.

yoga manyoga manyoga manyoga man

Ancient Wisdom and Modern Healing

all material on this site ©2008 by Drs. Light and Bryan Miller