Welcome to AyurvedicHealers.com
Based in Sarasota Florida - bringing ayurvedic treatments and instruction worldwide-
ayurvedic correspondence course

Purchase our 800-page Ayurvedic Correspondence Course. You will receive personalized instruction in all aspects of Ayurveda and gain a deep understanding of Ayurveda. Call us at 941.806.7760 to place your order. Namaste, Light and Bryan. We look forward to serving you.

Tantra the Beloved Experience Sept 7-9, 2008 - Washington State Beloved Tantra Experience Class for Couples. Create more intimacy, love, better communication, and healing of the Chakras. Discover Divine romance, conscious sexuality, and learn to move to deeper levels with your beloved. Call Sandy Levey, Coordinator, 360-527-2796

Please come celebrate your sexual and spiritual gifts of life in an
intensive course with Drs. Light and Bryan Miller. In Tantra, the Beloved
Experience course environment of safety and love, you will release the
wounds and pain from your sexual history, learn advanced asanas (postures) for sustained lovemaking, discover ancient techniques
for releasing reservoirs of hidden energy, and access kundalini energy to transform your sexual experience into a spiritual journey.
You will experience a very deep and remarkable way of joining and connecting with your partner, while deepening your intimacy and emotional connection both physically and emotionally.

Drs. Light and Bryan Miller have been practicing Tantric sexuality every day of the several decades that they have been married. These enlightening professionals are currently two of only eighteen practitioners in the world who perform the ancient and secret rejuvenation process called Kaya Kalpa.


light miller, ayurvedic physician

For more information on
Pancha Karma
Kaya Kalpa

Ayurvedic Education
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Learn about our
Weight Reduction
Program Here!

The Florida College of Integrative Health Offers two Ayurvedic Certification Courses for licenced massage therapists taught by Light and Bryan Miller. Next course starts in June and October 2009. Please contact registrar@fcih.org if you are interested in applying.

Certification Level II provides requirements to be NAMA practitioner level membership. Those students interested in receiving a massage diploma and getting a Associates Degree in Ayurvedic Health Studies can view the program here.

For all your photography needs, we recommend Sheila Simmington Photography.
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Ancient Wisdom and Modern Healing
all material on this site ©2008-2009 by Drs. Light and Bryan Miller, ayurvedic physicians