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June 18-20 - Tantra – The Beloved
Washington Event
Call Sandy Levey: 360-527-2796
Email: OnPurpose@SandyLevey.com
$750 per person, includes food

March-April Newsletter

Vernal Equinox & Easter

Our country has experienced a long cold winter with extreme changes occurring in global weather patterns. Here in Florida, we have experienced an unusually long and cold winter. Many of us are looking forward to springtime with its refreshing nights and warm, balmy, sunny days. The springtime air is refreshing. Take deep, conscious breaths and be grateful.

Celebrations recognized during springtime are Easter, Passover, Goddess Celebrations, and the Vernal Equinox. These events are recognized by many cultures and they all provide opportunities for transformation, inspiration, and aligning with Nature’s Laws. Spring began on March 20, which is the first day of the Spring Equinox and astrological New Year - Forget January 1. The Sun charges into fiery Aries to banish winter’s chill and moves us into springtime. With the arrival of spring, a fresh surge of energy fills us with hope for the future and inspires us to take action. Even the plant life pushes itself out from under its winter blanket while birds and other animals emerge from hibernation. We are inspired and encouraged to move forward into this New Year. We throw off winter’s shackles, break any chains that have hindered our growth, and begin exciting new goals.

Ancient Celtic and Mediterranean peoples celebrated the Spring Equinox as a sacred marriage between God and Goddess. The early Egyptians recognized the Vernal Equinox as a sacred turning point of the year, and built the Great Sphinx so that it points directly toward the rising Sun on the day of the Spring Equinox. It meant that the winter cold was ebbing, a bountiful spring was approaching, and food supplies would be abundant once again. Equinox literally means "equal night." At the Spring Equinox, day and night are the same length, with light ascending.

The theme of rebirth or resurrection is echoed in the Christian tradition of Easter. The Easter bunny rabbits and eggs are symbols which have their roots in pagan traditions of honoring nature's fertility. The name Easter was taken from an Anglo-Saxon or Teutonic lunar goddess, Eostre, whose holiday was held on the Full Moon nearest the Vernal Equinox. Since the church does not celebrate Full Moons, they designated Easter to be celebrated the Sunday following the first Full Moon after the Equinox.

All special days and seasons are a means to shape sacred time. The special day of Easter encompasses a time of preparation followed by a period of reflection. Easter should be the most openly joyful time of celebration as it relates to resurrection of the Spirit.

Regarding the Jewish tradition, the eight-day festival of Passover is celebrated in the early spring, from the 15th through the 22nd of the Hebrew month of Nissan, corresponding this year to March 30 through April 6, 2010.
Color is a prominent symbol in churches and is especially important during the Easter season. Did you know that the changing colors of the church sanctuary, from the purple of Lent to the black of Good Friday, as well as the color red, all provide graphic visual symbols? The colors of Easter Sunday are white and gold; white symbolizes the hope of the resurrection, as well as purity and newness. The gold symbolizes the light of the world brought by the risen Christ. This change of colors during Easter and the following Sundays helps communicate the movement of sacred time. We also have a long tradition of coloring Easter eggs. If you would like to know more about the use of colors and their meanings in churches, go to this link: http://www.crivoice.org/symbols/colorsmeaning.html
Another aspect of Spring is a very practical one – that of cleansing. It is a time to clean out our homes, closets, clutter, and outdated habits, thereby creating space for a brand new season of growth. Springtime brings fresh new beginnings; renewal, rebirth, and fertility.

Spring cleansing is an important part of the change of seasons for our body as well. As we leave the winter months behind, spring calls for a different seasonal diet if we are to maintain balance within ourselves. Our quality of life is enhanced as we practice an Ayurvedic lifestyle. For the ultimate cleanse, Ayurveda offers Pancha Karma sessions that cleanse, rejuvenate, and promote longevity. This educational program assists in breaking down old patterns and supports us in a new lifestyle. We have the opportunity to become connected at a deeper level to our body-mind -Spirit. Total wellbeing is emphasized.

Springtime also calls to those who would like to plant an herb or vegetable garden. This can be done in the ground, in planters on a patio or lanai, in window herb pots indoors, or window boxes outdoors. Many children and grandchildren love to plant seeds, watch the sprouts grow, pick the final product, and then eat it. In the same way that we plant a garden, we can plant new seeds of change within our hearts. As these seeds of new consciousness grow within us, we have the opportunity for new insights to arise regarding how we view our life and our relationships within this changing world.

During this springtime of new beginnings, we can commit to our self-growth to a greater degree. This means that we may need to look at all aspects of our lives, grow in our Truth, and be willing to go forward. With the world changing so quickly, bringing unexpected global changes, it is to our personal and global advantage to become more of who we are by embracing our Spiritual Self. The world needs every filament of light that we can attain. We have a goal – a pathway that is set before us – to work towards manifesting greater aspects of our Higher Self by 2012, which is the year that the Mayan Calendar ends and a new beginning comes forth. Let’s all work toward manifesting a great light for Mother Earth.

During these challenging and dramatic times, we need to maintain balance and become strong in Spirit. We must stay vigilant and remain connected to our Source as we continue along this adventure in consciousness. Allow the Grace of the Divine to circulate through us and create positive changes within our lives. BECOME all that you would like to see in the world. BECOME the Light.

Happy New Beginnings!

April 8-14 Pancha Karma Sarasota Call: 941-806-7760 space available
April 15-20 Ayurvedic Conference San Ramon  
April 24-30 Pancha Karma Sarasota Call: 941-806-7760
May 1-13 Pancha Karma w/Bryan & staff Sarasota Call: 941-860-7760 space available
May 12-18 Sandy’s Birthday Bellingham, WA Consultations & Treatments
Call Sandy Levey: 360-739-4602
Email: OnPurpose@SandyLevey.com
June 2-13 Pancha Karma Sarasota Call: 941-806-7760
June 15-17 Consultations & Treatments Bellingham, Washington & Seattle Call Sandy Levey: 360-739-4602
Email: OnPurpose@SandyLevey.com
June 18-20 Tantra – The Beloved - Washington

Call Sandy Levey: 360-527-2796
Email: OnPurpose@SandyLevey.com
$750 per person, includes food

light miller, ayurvedic physician

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Pancha Karma
Kaya Kalpa

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The Florida College of Integrative Health Offers two Ayurvedic Certification Courses for licenced massage therapists taught by Light and Bryan Miller. Next course starts in June and October 2009. Please contact registrar@fcih.org if you are interested in applying.

Certification Level II provides requirements to be NAMA practitioner level membership. Those students interested in receiving a massage diploma and getting a Associates Degree in Ayurvedic Health Studies can view the program here.

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Ancient Wisdom and Modern Healing
all material on this site ©2008-2009 by Drs. Light and Bryan Miller, ayurvedic physicians