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Despite the fact that people try diet upon diet, gimmicks, exercises, and fads, obesity has become a modern Western disease of major proportions. Over 60% of North Americans are 15 pounds or more over their optimum weight. Obesity shortens life, restricts mobility, decreases enjoyment, reduces attractiveness (less sex), lowers self-esteem, and diminishes awareness. Given all this, why is our culture seemingly uncontrollably overweight? What can Ayurveda do about it?

Ayurveda sees four major factors contributing to the problem: (1) over-abundance, (2) toxins, (3) sedentary lifestyles, and (4) failure of the intellect. The ancient science of Ayurveda has tried and true answers to this modern dilemma.

Ayurveda is the 5,000 year old "Science of Life". It is an all-inclusive science, encompassing every facet of living. It began with ancient Holy men so connected to the Divine that the deepest truths were accessible to them. They then made these truths available to all beings, first through an oral history and later through written texts.

Ayurveda was the world's first medical system. It used food, surgery, herbs, exercise, and meditation to bring the sick back into harmony. Ayurveda is the only medical system which recognizes that different people have different metabolisms. Ayurveda treats each "bodytype" differently. "One man's food is another man's poison", observed Hippocrates, the father of Greek medicine. Dr. Deepak Chopra has created an enormous awareness of this medical system through his best selling books, tapes, and personal appearances.

Ayurveda distinguishes three main bodytypes:

Vata (air)
Pitta (Fire)
Kapha (water-earth)

-Thin framed
-Variable digestion
-Difficulty gaining weight
-Holds weight around

-Medium framed
-Strong digestion
-Can gain or lose weight easily
-Gains weight evenly
-Large framed
-Slow digestion
-Difficulty loosing weight
-Gains weight in hips and
the middle especially in chest thighs

Now that you understand something of Ayurveda, let us examine the causes of obesity from an Ayurvedic perspective.

Next topic: Over-Abundance


light miller, ayurvedic physician

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Program Here!

The Florida College of Integrative Health Offers two Ayurvedic Certification Courses for licenced massage therapists taught by Light and Bryan Miller. Next course starts in June and October 2009. Please contact registrar@fcih.org if you are interested in applying.

Certification Level II provides requirements to be NAMA practitioner level membership. Those students interested in receiving a massage diploma and getting a Associates Degree in Ayurvedic Health Studies can view the program here.

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Ancient Wisdom and Modern Healing

Contact us: 941-894-8678  
All material on this site ©2008-2011 by Drs. Light and Bryan Miller