Welcome to AyurvedicHealers.comthe original ayurvedic healers

August 16-17, 2008 - Goddess Workshop by Light Miller
Awakening the Goddess Within - location - Burien, WA - Call Michelle - 208-405-8338

August 23, 2008 - Pancha Karma Training with Certification
Extensive hands-on training for Ayurvedic Practitioners in the science and art of cleansing and rejuvenation - Cusick, WA - Call Michelle - 208-405-8338

September 7-9, 2008 - Beloved Tantra Experience Class for Couples - Create more intimacy, love, better communication, and healing of the Chakras. Discover Divine romance, conscious sexuality, and learn to move to deeper levels with your beloved. Call Sandy Levey - 360-527-2796

Failure of The Intellect
The most important cause of obesity and all disease is failure of intellect. All disease is caused by a chain of decisions or judgements we make. We have already seen how decisions about eating habits, shopping habits, decisions supporting toxic waste, health care, and exercise affect our weight. Do we decide to indulge in self-loathing because we can never compare to "Vogue models"? Do we attack our bodies with liposuction and surgeries to attempt to be some bodytype we are not? Ayurveda says that each of us chose our parents, chose our sex, our births, chose our bodytypes all toward a specific purpose we came to fulfill. We have everything we need to go forward toward a destiny we chose long ago. What are you "weighting" for? Go for your passion, what gives you joy, what attracts you. Don't "weight", make it happen now! Our excess "weight" is our waiting for something to happen. Do your purpose and the weight will melt away.

Additional Ayurvedic Techniques for Weight Loss

The Breath of Fire
This is sometimes known as Kundalini Breath and is a rapid, diaphragmatic breath which increases your metabolic rate. Performed from a comfortable seated position with spine erect, breath rapidly through the nose, using your diaphragm (allowing the abdomen to expand on the inhalation and contract on the exhalation) for 108 breaths. Relax, gazing inward to the space between your eyebrows for one minute. Repeat four more times. Best performed in the morning before sunrise.

Copper is known to move water obstructions in the metabolism. A copper bracelet can be worn or according to Dr. Vasant Lad's book, "Ayurveda - Science of Self Healing", wash ten copper pennies in lime water, place them in a quart of water, and boil until reduced by half. Take two teaspoons, three times per day for one month.

Ayurveda is a low cost commonsense medical system which places the power to lose weight easily within the individuals hands with tools and techniques that may be instituted at home. Ayurveda provides refreshing points of view that allow the individual to see themselves as the creator of their life and fully capable of making positive changes. Weight is seen more as a reflection of a failure of the intellect, not a disease to be battled.

Drs. Bryand and Light Miller are Ayurvedic Practitioners from Sarasota, Florida. They are the authors of the books, "Ayurveda and Aromatherapy", and "Ayurvedic Remedies for the Whole Family", as well as an 800 page "Ayurvedic Correspondence Course". They teach seminars and do Ayurvedic treatments worldwide. They are in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, every June.

The Ayurvedic College begins in Sarasota, Florida, October, 2008. We hope to see many of you there. Call us at 941.806.7760 for more information.There are also a few places available in the upcoming workshops.

For more information on
Pancha Karma
Kaya Kalpa

Line up your treatment date now!

Learn about our
Weight Reduction
Program Here!

Note: Bryan and Light Miller are no longer working wiith the Florida Vedic College. The new program will be associate of science degree with emphasis on ayurveda massage and herbology .The student will be prepare and qualify to take the massage license after completing the program.The application is currently in process. We expect approval by July 2008.The college facilites will be at The East West College of Natural Medicine in Sarasota. Call 941-806-7760 for more info.

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Ancient Wisdom and Modern Healing

all material on this site ©2008 by Drs. Light and Bryan Miller