Welcome to AyurvedicHealers.comthe original ayurvedic healers

August 16-17, 2008 - Goddess Workshop by Light Miller
Awakening the Goddess Within - location - Burien, WA - Call Michelle - 208-405-8338

August 23, 2008 - Pancha Karma Training with Certification
Extensive hands-on training for Ayurvedic Practitioners in the science and art of cleansing and rejuvenation - Cusick, WA - Call Michelle - 208-405-8338

September 7-9, 2008 - Beloved Tantra Experience Class for Couples - Create more intimacy, love, better communication, and healing of the Chakras. Discover Divine romance, conscious sexuality, and learn to move to deeper levels with your beloved. Call Sandy Levey - 360-527-2796

Sedentary Lifestyle
Frantic with activity and movement, yet because of the use of cars, elevators, etc., it allows us little sustained aerobic activity. The human mechanism is made to work. "If you don't use it, you lose it". Two-thirds of all metabolism takes place in the muscles. If they are weak, under used, or flacid, your metabolism will be slowed down accordingly. Each metabolic type has a variety of exercise choices which will support and maintain it. John Douillard states in his book, "Body, Mind, and Sport", that only 15% of us regularly exercise. He finds that people will exercise more if it is fun and if they have some aptitude for the specific sport. Fifty percent of Americans experience their first failure in life as a sports failure; often in sports which didn't fit their body type (i.e. a large boy humiliated in rope climbing or a tightly strung, skinny girl ridiculed because she couldn't touch her toes.

Any bodytype "can" play any sport, but each bodytype has certain strengths and weaknesses which can predispose favorably toward a happy long-term relationship with certain sports.

Vatas are high-strung, excitable, changeable, and endowed with quickness and agility. They do not have great endurance, tend to injure more easily, and often quit exercise programs easily. They need to develop regular exercise habits, slow down, avoid over-exhaustion, and compulsive exercises (be reasonable). They do well with dance, low impact aerobics, bowling, doubles tennis, horseback riding, tai chi, swimming, weight training, and yoga.

Pittas are motivated, competitive leaders who can be hot-headed and play to win. They have the strength of Kapha and the speed of Vatas. They benefit from focusing more on the fun of the game and commaradiere of team sports than on ego satisfaction from competing in individual sports. They will enjoy more benefit from basketball and team sports, cycling, diving, golf, martial arts, skiing, surfing, and yoga.

Kapha bodytypes need exercise more than other types for health and to maintain optimum weight. They can be less motivated to exercise and must enjoy it to continue. They have great endurance and do not injure easily. They enjoy the commaradiere of team sports and make steady players. They do well with aerobics, basketball, weight training, running, cross country skiing, martial arts, rowing, soccer, and are seals in water sports.

Exercise not only increases your metabolism (burns fat) but it also eliminates toxins, increases self-image, creates endorphins, and produces more restful sleep. Normalization of weight comes naturally with regular exercise.

Previous topic: Toxins
Next topic:
Failure of the Intellect
And more techniques on weight-loss

The Ayurvedic College begins in Sarasota, Florida, October, 2008. We hope to see many of you there. Call us at 941.806.7760 for more information.There are also a few places available in the upcoming workshops.

For more information on
Pancha Karma
Kaya Kalpa

Line up your treatment date now!

Learn about our
Weight Reduction
Program Here!

Note: Bryan and Light Miller are no longer working wiith the Florida Vedic College. The new program will be associate of science degree with emphasis on ayurveda massage and herbology .The student will be prepare and qualify to take the massage license after completing the program.The application is currently in process. We expect approval by July 2008.The college facilites will be at The East West College of Natural Medicine in Sarasota. Call 941-806-7760 for more info.

yoga manyoga manyoga manyoga man

Ancient Wisdom and Modern Healing

all material on this site ©2008 by Drs. Light and Bryan Miller