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Dr. Light Miller Reenacts Ancient Healing Ritual
When aged yogis needed renewal and rejuvenation they went into seclusion from light, sound and wind into a special structure called a Kuti Hut, a womb like cottage for one to three months. Through Kaya Kalpa treatments (Body Transformation), resting, yoga, breathing techniques and a restrictive diet of special foods and herbs that created balance and harmony in the body, they would hibernate, emerging youthful and energetic, ready to continue their service and practices.

On July 30, Dr. Light Miller, holistic health practitioner for 35 years, will celebrate her birthday then enter the Kuti Hut on August 1st remaining there until August 31st. This is the first time this type of isolating, rejuvenative treatment has been done in the West. Her husband, Dr. Bryan Miller, with the assistance of Ron Vickery are constructing a Florida version of the Kuti Hut from all natural, breathable materials consisting of twenty tons of oyster shells covered with an adobe-like mixture. There will be no light or wind in the Kuti. An assembly of healers, both local and foreign, will converge on the Miller's home to participate in treatments, celebration and group meditation.

Currently residing in Sarasota, Florida, Drs. Light and Bryan Miller have been holistic health practitioners for 35 years. The Millers learned Kaya Kalpa from their teacher in India, Panchua Bai Chotai (physician to Mahatma Gandhi) who is now 119 years of age. Because Light has received requests for this type of treatment, she decided to experience it first herself. She is embarking on this spiritual journey, taking on her own healing process to rejuvenate and strengthen herself in order to continue being an instrument of healing on the planet. Light will be in total darkness for 30 days receiving Kaya Kalpa treatments consisting of special herbal-mineral medications for purification and rejuvenation and sustained by small amounts of selected balancing harmonious foods.

We are all looking forward to the transformation of Light Miller on mental, physical and spiritual levels. A more enlightened healer shall emerge on August 31st.

We would like to share this first-ever rejuvenating experience with the hope of providing similar treatments to others ready to embark on the experience. Please contact the Miller's at (941) 806 7760 for more information.

Dr. Light Miller Reenacts Ancient Healing Ritual
"30 Days in The Kuti"
On August 1, 2002, Dr. Light Miller entered a Kuti hut in Sarasota, Florida to undergo 30 days of hibernation and rejuvenate treatments. In the first two weeks, she subsisted mainly on fresh green juices and special rejuvenative herb teas. In the last five days, she has taken one meal a day of steamed vegetables with an occasional avocado. Every other day, Light receives a four hour Kaya Kalpa treatment (see her website for a complete description). On off days, she receives a two on one Ayurvedic massage with special essential oils. The remainder of her time is spent doing yoga, in meditation, performing mantra and in deep rest. She remains secluded from sound, air movement and light with the occasional use of a ghee lamp. Treatments are performed by Dr. Bryan Miller and Ayurvedic healer Greg Soucy of San Francisco.

Light has reported many paranormal experiences including seeing the entire Kuti hut illuminated with mysterious light and visitations from such notable beings as Dhanvantari (the patron God of Ayurveda) and Jesus Christ. She also reports direct conversations with God including one in which she asked him why he was speaking to her in a male voice and he answered, "Because if I spoke in a female voice, you wouldn't believe it was me." She also reports some very personal dark night of the soul experiences, which are a part of every soul's progression although many people don't create the opportunity to let them come forward. Many Saints have reported these occurrences are a beneficial result of long periods of isolation. Light reports deep feelings of connectedness. Friends and family have called from all over the country and visited as an expression of support. Many people also reported donating a portion of their meditation in support of Light and we are very thankful. Light sends divine blessings to everyone.

Historically this treatment has been used to add longevity (30-50 years) to important kings, queens, nobles and saintly personages. In this case, Light is anticipating emerging on August 31st with a deeper commitment to her life purpose. Some people have been so inspired by Light's commitment they have scheduled 3-7 days for their own Kuti experience. We are all looking forward to the transformation of Light Miller on mental, physical and spiritual levels, a new, deeper, more enlightened healer to emerge on August 31st.

We would like to share this first-ever rejuvenating experience with the hope of providing similar treatments to others ready to embark on the experience. Please contact the Miller's at 941-346-3518 for more information.

Dr. Light Miller has lost an additional five pounds (total 25) since spending 25 days in darkness and silence in August. Visiting the Kuti for an hour now and then brings back the peace for her.

In September, a massage practitioner from Fort Lauderdale spent 3 days in the Kuti followed by a Kaya Kalpa treatment. She reported, "I tried" to meditate, go deep… for 2 days nothing happened. I let go, and Wham, the deep connection.
A metaphor for my life, "Trying is lying. I just need to allow."

Mindy Reser, Ayurvedic Practitioner and Massage Therapist, spent 4 days "inside" in October, 2003. "I saw the wall I had erected, the love I had pushed away, how I had twisted myself to gain approval. The 4th day I had to break down those walls. It was a very physical and emotional experience. I called on my angels, my parents, my friends. I screamed for God to come. I heard the boom of thunder and rain falling, a sign. He was always there, love was always at hand. It was all me, my self-doubt, my fear of being hurt. I don't have to have walls anymore.

The Millers' continue to support Kuti experiences. Two more weekends are scheduled for October and one week for December.

Dr. Bryan will share "How To Create a Kuti Experience in Your Own Home". Interested parties can call the Millers' at (941) 806 7760.

light miller, ayurvedic physician

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Kaya Kalpa

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The Florida College of Integrative Health Offers two Ayurvedic Certification Courses for licenced massage therapists taught by Light and Bryan Miller. Next course starts in June and October 2009. Please contact registrar@fcih.org if you are interested in applying.

Certification Level II provides requirements to be NAMA practitioner level membership. Those students interested in receiving a massage diploma and getting a Associates Degree in Ayurvedic Health Studies can view the program here.

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Ancient Wisdom and Modern Healing

Contact us: 941-806-7760  
All material on this site ©2008-2009 by Drs. Light and Bryan Miller