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Based in Sarasota Florida - bringing ayurvedic treatments and instruction worldwide-

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June Newsletter -

We come into this life journey through our physical body and genetics of our parents. Scientists tell us that through genetic transfer, we have detailed and voluminous coded information from both sides of our ancestors contained within our chromosomes and, therefore, our consciousness. Eye color, height, emotional patterns, and even ways of perceiving the world may all have been given to us genetically.

Some of these genetic gifts we may enjoy such as our father's musical ability, while others may be more challenging, like a grandfather's anger or a mother's depression.

Even though our essence is Divine, after incarnation we lose the memories of our Divine nature and we live in forgetfulness unless we have parents who are role models of God and encourage a loving Spirit to come forth within each of us.

As small children, we see our parents as Mother-God and Father-God. In most cases, mother is the nurturer and father is the disciplinarian, however, these roles can be reversed or even intermingled. We learn Love from them through a place of reason and conditioning.

As we develop into a greater awareness, we recognize that our parents programming might not serve us any longer, particularly those of us from the baby boom years where our parents experienced hardships and worked very hard. We realize that we must clear some of their beliefs that we have unconsciously taken on, because they no longer serve us. The statement, "Father knows best", doesn't always apply.

It is imperative that we get out of our thinking, logical mind and come to love our parents from a purer, unconditional space within our heart and release any experiences that were less than love.

I am inviting you to take time, regardless of your past experience, to honor your father, whether living or dead, from a place of gratitude and heartfelt connection. Erase the past and release all shortcomings of both mother and father. When forgiveness takes place, it is shared through the family lineage and everyone experiences healing and transformation at a genetic level. Use this Father's Day to bring about blessings to all ancestors. When your blessings are sincere, they will be felt as you honor Spirit within.

Everyone is a part of God, even though each reflects different proportions of God. Prayers, blessings, and affirmations will assist the advancement of your family members.

Father, protector, provider. Celebrate his day in honor of who he is and his gift of bringing you into this world. If your father has moved on from this physical world, take one of his pictures and meditate or pray that his Spirit is in a place of Peace and Love.

Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful men in the world who have supported in the co-creation of life. So many holidays become a commercial fiasco; however, you can change all that by coming from your heart and turn his day into a spiritual, loving, and fun experience. I give thanks to all Father's and may they continue awakening to Spirit. I also give thanks to all the spiritual teachers in the world.

When we open ourselves to Love, everything we do is Love.

"Believe in Love" - Gurumayi

We ask for your prayers as we are in the process of creating a new state-approved Ayurvedic School with the support of my friend, Cynthia O'Donnell, owner/director of East-West College. Our vision is to begin classes at the end of October, 2008.

The curriculum we offer provides an Associate's Degree in Science for Ayurveda and Massage. This allows the students who graduate to be able to sit for massage state-boards and become licensed. This makes it possible for graduates to legally do all of the Ayurvedic treatments in their practice.


light miller, ayurvedic physician

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The Florida College of Integrative Health Offers two Ayurvedic Certification Courses for licenced massage therapists taught by Light and Bryan Miller. Next course starts in June and October 2009. Please contact registrar@fcih.org if you are interested in applying.

Certification Level II provides requirements to be NAMA practitioner level membership. Those students interested in receiving a massage diploma and getting a Associates Degree in Ayurvedic Health Studies can view the program here.

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Ancient Wisdom and Modern Healing

Contact us: 941-894-8678  
All material on this site ©2008-2011 by Drs. Light and Bryan Miller